Mar 22, 2022
We review the history of guidance on both market based disclosures and funding policy, and describe how the new ASOP 4 addresses both those topics.
Mar 21, 2022
Tiffany Norman, FSA, MAAA, Senior Vice President at Hannover Re sharing her insights with podcast host Jing Lang, FSA, FCIA, MAAA, FLMI.
Mar 21, 2022
Join Jackie Lee as she sits down with Mike Pacolay to discuss his article on the utilization of member advocates as a cost savings tool for employers to help lower claims costs for its employees. With confusion at nearly every turn, consumers become some combination of scared, confused, angry and frustrated, but with...
Mar 7, 2022
Dave Dillon interviews Dave Rowbottom on the topic of capital motivated reinsurance for health products – how it works, how it is evaluated, where it is commonly used, and what is involved in underwriting and implementing one of these reinsurance programs.