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Jun 24, 2015

Jim Filmore, FSA, MAAA, Chair of Product Development Section Council and Lindsay Meisinger, FSA, MAAA, Associate Actuary at RGA discuss and recap Session 32: Term Conversions at the 2015 Life and Annuity Symposium.


Jun 24, 2015

Donna Megregian, FSA, MAAA and Joe Kordovi, FSA, Product Development Section Council Members discuss Session 20: Life Illustrations live at the 2015 Life and Annuity Symposium. 

Jun 24, 2015

Kelly J. Rabin, FSA, MAAA, Product Development Section Council member recaps Session 80: Day 2 Pricing Considerations live at the 2015 Life and Annuity...

Jun 23, 2015

In this episode Greg Fann interviews Victor Davis and Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens, two panelists at the 2015 SOA Health Meeting, who presented the latest legislative, legal, and market complications related to the Affordable Care Act. They discuss current proposed federal legislation, potential scenarios with...

Jun 19, 2015

Pat Kinney and Joe Randazzo discuss how predictive modeling and analytics can be applied in the Emergency Room setting.  They summarize their research findings, which is part of the SOA’s predictive analytics essay collection.  Download the collection by visiting “Research and Publications” on, under the