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Jun 27, 2016

Jeanette Cooper interviews Anna Rappaport about her work as chairperson on the SOA Committee on Post Retirement Needs and Risks. More information on this committee’s research can be found at

Jun 27, 2016

Listen in as Michelle Lerch, FSA, MAAA reads “LEARN Goes Caribbean,” which was featured in the March 2016, Reinsurance News, written by Michael L. Frank, ASA, FCA, MAAA and Larry N. Stern, FSA, MAAA.

Jun 27, 2016

Listen in as Mark Tanner FSA, MAAA, MBA reads “Zika Virus in Brazil,” which was featured in the March 2016, Reinsurance News, written by Daniel Zimmerman.

Jun 27, 2016

Listen in as Shaun Daugherty, Esq. reads “Chairperson’s Corner,” which was featured in the March 2016, Reinsurance News, written by Dustin Hetzler, FSA, MAAA.

Jun 8, 2016

Since the 1970’s, taxpayers purchasing and selling variable life insurance and annuity contracts have been wary of the “Investor Control Doctrine.”  Authors Ann Cammack and Frederic J. Gelfond provide a lively presentation of the history and issues.  From the March 2016 Taxing Times.  Read by...