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Feb 21, 2022

Roger Bauer, Executive Director of the Transformation Change Office for the Atlanta market of Kaiser Permanente, speaks with host David Dillon, FSA, MAAA, about building a Transformation Change Office.  In this wide-ranging discussion, they discuss a TCO’s purpose and structure, and they further delve into project...

Feb 16, 2022

Warren Jones discusses the efforts that went into the recent mortality and lapse study developed by the American Academy of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries Research Institute.

Feb 7, 2022

Continuing with the Managed Care 3.0 Strategic Initiative, Jackie Lee talked with Ian Duncan and Lara Dodo about  Newtopia and its case study. Cardiometabolic disease continues to be a growing public health challenge and a major economic burden for Americans.  This podcast discusses one behavior-change solution that has...