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Jan 26, 2015

Scott Sheefel, Chair and Jill Klibanov, Secretary/Treasurer provide an update for the Marketing and Distribution members on council activities and what’s new for 2015.



Jan 26, 2015

Dan Bailey interviews Gregory Fann who recently presented at the 2014 SOA Annual Meeting on If We Knew Then What We Know Now: ACA Enrollment. For those who could not attend his presentation, this episode will provide you with highlights from Greg’s session.  

Jan 22, 2015

Kelly Hennigan the author of the “Brand New Me’ reads her article discussing ways to create your own personal brand by focusing on three...

Jan 22, 2015

Gregory A. Brandner, FSA, MAAA; Julie A. Decker, FSA, MAAA; Kelly J. Rabin, FSA, MAAA, the presenters recap the session at the annual meeting and discuss the current COLI/BOLI market, and provide perspectives on underwriting, pricing...