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Mar 29, 2019

RGA Brazil CEO shares the 73 things that make him “Running” Ronald Poon-Affat, FSA, FIA, CFA, MAAA.

Mar 25, 2019

Jackie Lee, FSA, MAAA interviews Nick Johnson, FSA, MAAA on his February 2019 Health Watch article: Medicare Advantage: Changes and Updates to Enhanced Benefits. The discussion covers recent Medicare Advantage benefit flexibilities, types of new allowable benefits, and hurdles plan sponsors will need to overcome to...

Mar 11, 2019

Dave Dillon, FSA, MAAA, interviews Fritz Busch, FSA, MAAA, about his February 2019 article "Consumers to the Rescue? A Primer on HDHPs and HSAs." 

Mar 5, 2019

From the February 2019 Taxing Times: This edition of “In the Beginning” provides an introduction to ERISA how it affects annuities within tax-qualified plans. Written by Michael L. Hadley. Read by Dan Theodore.