Sep 25, 2017
This podcast discusses the recent release of historical U.S. population mortality rates by gender and single year of age for calendar years 2000-2015. To develop these rates, the SOA relied upon data furnished by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Social...
Sep 19, 2017
The Medicare Advantage market is currently in the middle of a multi-year transition from the existing Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) to the new Encounter Data System (EDS) for calculating risk scores. CMS has stated that ultimately EDS will be the sole diagnosis data source for Medicare...
Sep 19, 2017
During this podcast, Dave Dillon interviews Andrew Sykes about his non-traditional path to actuarial work and helping actuaries to develop the skills to influence other people to take specific actions based on their work.
Sep 18, 2017
In this episode the winning Financial Wellness essays in the Individual Strategies category are discussed.
Sep 14, 2017
Considering combo products? Listen in to hear Joe Wurzburger, SOA staff fellow and Dennis Martin, senior vice president of product & business development at OneAmerica Financial partners discuss perspectives on risk management for this rapidly growing product category.