Mar 23, 2017
Tax and statutory accounting changes present complex legal questions and challenges in product development and financial reporting, underscoring the importance of collaboration between actuarial, financial and legal departments. To get perspective on best practices for tax actuaries collaborating with accountants...
Mar 21, 2017
Dave Dillon, FSA, MAAA interviews Randy Herman, FSA, MAAA about the November 2016 Health Watch article “Review: Do Individuals Make Sensible Health Insurance Decisions? Evidence From a Menu With Dominated Options” that he co-authored. They discuss the sub-optimal health insurance choice decisions made by employees,...
Mar 17, 2017
The IRS recently released Notice 2016-631 providing safe harbor guidance for use of the 2017 CSO in calculations under sections 7702 and 7702A. This article contains a summary which many actuaries will find quite helpful. Written by John T. Adney, Craig Springfield and Brian King. Read by Dan Theodore.
Mar 16, 2017
This podcast gives a brief overview of the payment systems being introduced by MACRA as well as the changes to Medicare Supplement.