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Oct 11, 2023

In the conclusion of a four-part series, Bruce Schobel and Geof Hileman discuss what lies ahead for the Social Security program. The trust funds are projected to be depleted around 2034, but what does that really mean for beneficiaries? And what can...

Oct 11, 2023

In Part 3 of a four-part series, Bruce Schobel and Geof Hileman dive deep into some of the finer calculation details related to Social Security benefits. If you don't know what a bend point or a COLA is, this episode is for...

Oct 11, 2023

In Part 2 of a four-part series, Bruce Schobel and Geof Hileman analyze some of the key decisions that retirees face, most importantly the critical question of when to start receiving Social Security benefits. Disability benefits and spousal benefits are also covered in this...

Oct 11, 2023

In Part 1 of a four-part series, Bruce Schobel and Geof Hileman discuss the history and structure of the Social Security program, which provides benefits to over 66 million Americans each month. In this episode, you will learn why you should care about this program, both as an actuary and as a taxpayer and likely...

May 19, 2023

Earlier this year, millions of people in France took to the streets to protest against the raising of the retirement age from 62 to 64. We will explore the context behind the reform and protests.