Oct 14, 2016
Listen in as Anders Larson, FSA, MAAA, interviews Shea Parkes, FSA, MAAA about decision trees. Decision trees are an important class of predictive models that are not often covered in traditional statistics classes. Although it is becoming more rare to use a single decision tree, they are an important building block...
Oct 14, 2016
Dave Petta, FSA, MAAA and Karen Shelton, FSA, MAA discuss their article on Private Exchanges published in the May 2015 issue of HealthWatch Listen as they describe the tenets of Private Exchanges, how they differ from Public exchanges and their current outlook.
Oct 12, 2016
Cindy Levering was appointed by the Secretary of Labor to the ERISA Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans effective 2016 as the representative of the Actuarial consulting profession. Cindy and Andrea Sellars discuss the background, structure and activities of the Council as well as the...
Oct 12, 2016
Grace Lattyak and Andrea Sellars have a discussion about the Real Deal Study, a look at retirement income adequacy at large companies. This study by Aon Hewitt projects retirement income adequacy individually for more than two million employees and uses that data to form insights about the state of retirement income...
Oct 5, 2016
This podcast features Dave Dillon, FSA, MAAA interviewing Gayle Brekke, FSA, MAAA on the topic of Direct Primary Care, a topic which is also covered in her article in the May issue of Health Watch. This podcast introduces the direct primary care model, and outlines how it can improve care coordination, ensure...