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Nov 27, 2012

In this episode, Dan Theodore reads from and summarizes "Life Settlements: Congress Wades Into The Fray" from the October 2012 issue of Taxing Times.

Nov 19, 2012

In this podcast Rob Frasca and Henry Siegel will discuss the basics of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), such as what is the IASB and what are they responsible for. Also discussed are where the IFRS are required and their status in the United...

Nov 19, 2012

Listen in as Andy Peterson discusses estimating Equity Risk Premium with with Vic Modugno, who recently prepared a paper on the subject for the SOA. Equity Risk Premium (ERP) is the amount by which the stock market index would outperform a risk-free rate. Vic explains the two ways that ERP can be calculated - by...