Dec 13, 2021
Hear an update from state regulators Anna Van Fleet and Shannen Logue regarding the NAIC’s efforts to develop an LTCi Reduced Benefit Options Regulator Checklist. Why is it needed, what do they hope it will achieve, and when will it be available for states to use?
Dec 13, 2021
Jackie Lee & Karen Shelton discuss several case studies that are shaping the future of healthcare as part of the strategic initiative 18|11. They review the categories and history behind each of the different innovations that have generated results that will positively impact our health care costs. These include rural...
Dec 7, 2021
Tony Johnson speaks with Steven Gee and Taylor Geppert. Steven and Taylor were the 2021 Actuary of the Future Section Interns and share their insights on the experience.
Nov 8, 2021
In this episode, John Fowler, FSA, MAAA, interviews Tyler Keenan, ASA, CERA, MAAA, on Pension Risk Transfer (PRT) business, challenges in modeling PRT and potential solutions in Prophet.
Show Notes:
1) Tyler Keenan's email:
2) John Fowler's email:
3) Profiting from...
Nov 8, 2021
Jackie Lee interviews Steven Jones, Chief Actuary and Head of the Shared Incentives Organization, about the beginnings and growth of his startup company, Circulo Health, and how it differs from his previous actuarial experiences. Steven notes the three largest differences amongst soft skills when working with startups...